In apparel production 1 this week, we practice sewing. We are so close to starting to put projects together.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
Everyone concentrating on their lines.
Throughout January and February, Chemistry studied the chemical behavior of different families of elements. In our quest to better understand how the number of valance electrons are responsible for an element's reactivity, students have been exploring how different alkali metals react with water. We learned several tools to verify the products in a reaction like using a pH indicator and testing the gases produced in the chemical reaction.
almost 3 years ago, Ruth Hutson
Alkali metals and water
Alkali metals and water 2
Alkali metals and water 3
District D STAR Events were today at Frankfort. We had 7 events. They worked hard and now we wait for their results.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
interior Design
Food Innovation
Job interview
Repurpose and Redesign
Here are the rest of the competitors. I also had some great judges and timer, Morgan Spangler, Ty Vogt, Tina Williams, and Jeanne Dowell, sorry no picture of them.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
Chapter in Review Display
National Programs in Action
Fashion Design
FCCLA officers are selling Crush soda again for Valentines. $1 per can. Your choice of strawberry, orange, and grape. Last day to purchase is Thursday February 10. We will deliver during lunch. This sold to 8-12. Officers are Joey, Alyssa, Linzy, Morgan, Brianna, Kennedy, and Kaiden. You can also email Ms. Luhman at
about 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
In nutrition and wellness students made human like posters with the digestive system displayed.
about 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
being creative
game planning
being creative
getting started
FCCLA Star events have been postponed to next Wednesday February 9 at Frankfort leave time is 7:30 at the earliest. Keep working on your presentations.
about 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
February 2nd, 2022 NO SCHOOL TODAY. Hello Blue Valley Families! We had wintery weather overnight that has not had a chance to be treated or cleared. Because it is unsafe to transport students or have them drive to school, I have decided to CANCEL SCHOOL for today February 2nd, 2022.. I apologize for the short notice. I know it makes it difficult for families when this happens. I will keep you updated on school closings as needed. Thank you for understanding.
about 3 years ago, John Cox
Winter Royalty 2022 - Congrats to all of the candidates!!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Katie Jones
Winter Royalty
King & Queen
Winter Royalty Spirit Week 2022
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Katie Jones
Spirit Day
Dress Like Your Teacher Day
Winter Royalty Spirit Week 2022
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Katie Jones
Twin Day
Hawaiian Day
Twin Day
Twin Day
Winter Royalty Dodgeball Tournament 2022
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Katie Jones
Winter Royalty Dodgeball Tournament 2022
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Katie Jones
***Message from the Superintendent*** 1-31-22. Hi everyone, I am letting you know that we are short-staffed at the MS/DO office. Melody and Jenny are out of the office for at least the rest of the week. If it is urgent and you need immediate assistance please call my office. If you are calling to report your child absent for the middle school any day this week, call my office phone and leave the message so I can share it with the teachers. My office phone is 785-293-5256 ext. 410. I appreciate your flexibility as we manage this week and thank you for understanding. Its a Great Day to be a RAM!!
about 3 years ago, John Cox
January 31st, 2020 ***Message from the Superintendent***. I am conducting a mid-year review of our district Mission Statement. Please answer the 3 questions on this survey to help us gauge where we are. Thank you, we appreciate your feedback. #RAMFAM.
about 3 years ago, John Cox
7th grade girls decorating for Valentines.
about 3 years ago, Kelli Francis
window decorating
Child Check Preschool Screening is coming February 4th, 2022 starting at 8:30 at Blue Valley Preschool in Randolph, Kansas. Please share with others who may not receive our notifications. Thank you! #RAMSTRONG
about 3 years ago, John Cox
***Spelling Bee Today.*** If you want to watch from home use our Youtube channel link on our website. It is the same one we use for basketball.
about 3 years ago, John Cox
The Juniors are selling Pizza Kits to raise money for prom. If you are interested in buying pizza please reach out to a junior or contact me. kjones@usd384org
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Katie Jones
In nutrition and wellness we completed a review on pathogens by doing a poster over the different pathogens.
about 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
pathogen posters
being creative
all the completed posters
working on their posters