Earlier this week the high school band listened to Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech with an instrumental accompaniment. They analyzed how the music enhanced the speech.
over 3 years ago, Kerri Butler
In nutrition and wellness classes we made chicken stir fry.
over 3 years ago, Beth Luhman
The finish product.
Making stir fry
Making their stir fry yesterday 1/20.
Making their stir fry today 1/21
In family studies we are reviewing development and how that relates to relationships.
over 3 years ago, Beth Luhman
Students giving examples of each development area.
In fashion trends we are discussing the history of fashion. Students made a timeline of fashion as well as who influenced fashion.
over 3 years ago, Beth Luhman
Here are their projects.
Putting it all together.
Sophomores participated in the First Annual Blue Valley Hunger Banquet as a means to better understand world hunger and global food insecurity. It was a hard lesson to learn that life is not fair.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Tricia Reichert
Hunger Banquet
Hunger Banquet
This week Applied Statistics and Analysis in Science is learning how to use the t-test when analyzing data.
over 3 years ago, Ruth Hutson
T-test spreadsheet work
The Geometry class began a new unit by reviewing classifications of triangles. The students created a mini-poster highlighting specific triangle classifications based on angle measures and side lengths. The students included the type of classification, a brief description, and a sketch of the triangle to complete their posters. What a great group of students!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Katie Jones
Jr. Students working on their President presentations.
over 3 years ago, Coach Holmes
Working on presentations
Working on presentations
Sixth grade science has been busy learning how to identify signs of a chemical change.
over 3 years ago, Amber Ellis
Are bubbles forming?
Observing beaker to look for changes.
Students recorded data based on their observations.
Students completed a series of lab tests to identify if it was a  physical or chemical change?
Chemistry in the Community is learning about water quality this month. They have been exploring how drinking water is treated by modeling a water purification plant.
over 3 years ago, Ruth Hutson
Modeling the filtering of large sediments from water
Adding coagulant to remove dissolved solids from water
Blue Valley High School English and Social studies teachers have combined efforts to support students as they research the lives and contributions of past presidents. A fun part of the assignment is for students to draw a life-size portrait of their president! Look for presidents in our hallways coming soon!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Tricia Reichert
Breanna W.
8th grade dream houses are in the process of being constructed! Detailed listings coming soon!
over 3 years ago, Brittany Pfaff
Beginning of Lincoln’s dream house.
It is finally printmaking time in the high school art room. Art II students have begun the reduction printmaking process using linoleum plates. They will carve and print the same plate a series of times to build up their image using multiple ink colors.
over 3 years ago, Katie Larson
6th Grade World History took a trip through India and created some amazing brochures! Check 'em out!
over 3 years ago, Kelli Francis
A Trip Through India
The Advanced Biology class at Blue Valley is comparing how different germination techniques affect the rates of cellular respiration in peas. They are measuring amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide gases in order to determine rate of cell respiration.
over 3 years ago, Ruth Hutson
Comparing rates of cellular respiration
Measuring the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide gases
FCCLA activities from previous semester.
over 3 years ago, Beth Luhman
FCCLA meeting
Making announcements during Red Ribbon Week
Blood Drive
Sorting pastries
Culinary Essentials, Baking and Pastries, and Human Growth activities from the previous semester.
over 3 years ago, Beth Luhman
Culinary knife skills
Culinary Essentials
Baking and Pastries
The Ag Ed Facility is looking for pictures to hang up in the classroom. Please send pictures of your farm or ranch to ameals@usd384.org by Dec. 31st. Students will pick the top 5 photos to be printed on canvas and displayed.
over 3 years ago, Blue Valley High School
FFA Pictures
***We know even during these crazy covid times we have some Super Ram Fans watching and cheering on our HIGH SCHOOL basketball teams from home. Take a picture or 10 second video of Super Ram fan in your household with the live streaming game and send it to ayoung@usd384.org BEFORE the end of the boys game and we will choose our Super Ram Fan of the night for each HOME GAME. Don't wait until the last minute though...there are sometimes technology issues and we want to make sure you get entered for your chance to be the next Super Ram Fan! Goooooo RAMS! --BVHS CHEER TEAM
over 3 years ago, Blue Valley High School
MS BB @ Hanover will be streamed on the Hanover WildcatsLive Youtube channel. B girls will start at 5:45pm in the HS gym followed by A girls. B boys will start at 5:45pm in the St. Johns gym followed by A boys, and C boys. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9eOV_BND4mum_mZDMy1wGg
over 3 years ago, Blue Valley Middle School