EXCERPTS of USD #384 Regular Board of Education Meeting


A Regular Board of Education meeting for USD #384 Blue Valley was held on September 11, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room.  Members present were Mitch Innes, Jason Hartman, Reo Shultz, and Melissa Geisler.  Administration present was Rex Boley, Superintendent, and Alison Moore, Board Clerk.


CALL TO ORDER:  President, Jason Hartman called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

APPROVE THE AGENDA: The Board approved the agenda with the following changes: move 13-3 and 13-4, and move to executive session. Mitch moved to approve the agenda, Melissa second, motion passed 4-0.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Board and guests recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

WELCOME GUESTS: President, Jason Hartman welcomed our guests.


1.     Mitch is pleased with the turnout of spectators for the games so far this year – happy that there is a lot of support.

2.     Reo was happy to see so many school organizations donating time at the Olsburg Festival on Saturday.


1.     FCCLA National Fall Conference in Alabama: Ms. Luhman presented that the total cost will be X 7 attendees; State Officer from Victoria has requested to ride along (he will pay his way, just wants a ride); the students are doing fundraising to alleviate costs and are looking to sign up for classes to attend during the conference. Mitch moves to approve out of state travel with $500 fund and van to use; Reo second; motion passed 4-0.

2.     eRate: district was approved for $44,936.44; district must match ½ of that cost ($22,468.22); Round 1 Farren would like to purchase the minimum amount of equipment to set as the skeleton for infrastructure; Round 2 will be the final add-ons for the hardware; the final step after the infrastructure will be the software and that is more costly than the hardware; Farren has decided to purchase the hardware brand that can be managed by anybody so that employees that follow him can run it. Reo moved to accept the full eRate funding; Melissa second; motion passed 4-0.

3.     FBLA National Conference in Texas: Ms. Brill presented that she’d like to take 4-6 students along with a male adult; there has not been a strong FBLA program since Ms. Booth and the students are excited that it’s making a comeback; Ms. Brill discussed the labs the students will sign up to attend while at the conference and presented the potential total cost but stated she will come back in October with more solid numbers on who will be attending and costs. Mitch moved to approve the out of state travel with $500 fund and van to use; Melissa second; motion passed 4-0.


1.     MES – Flynn Gilbert

2.     RMS – Morgan Sumps

3.     BVHS – Dakota Krause


1.     MES – Letters went out to parents about RAM Time describing what happens during that time; McCormick Message is a newsletter that is sent out to parents with dates, staff highlights, reminders, etc bi-weekly; birthday dinners have returned to MES; Ms. Pfaff has started a “Mighty Rams” program where teachers nominate students who excel that week; PTO has been working on getting some playground equipment fixed and have sent out reminders to parents about using Dillons and Hy-Vee to set up Dollars for Scholars to help out funding the school.

2.     BVMS – Mr. Boley would like to look into allowing 6th and 7th graders to check out their Chromebooks for homework, but knows it may be a future concept; at the Pep Assembly, the school sang the fight song and did a very good job so Mr. Meals was approached about possibly putting the lyrics on the back of the sports programs; Mr. Boley has been spending a lot of time in the classrooms and getting to know teachers and students; Mr. Boley and Mr. Meals have been discussing possibly reorganizing the lunchroom – it’s working, but possibly a change could make it better; ESSER III was denied with HVAC proposal, so Mr. Boley resubmitted for 3 years of IXL and 2 years of Fastbridge, and will see if that is approved or denied.

3.     BVHS – STUCO Committees have been hard at work preparing for the year: Community Service has their first experience on October 18th, Homecoming and Winter Royalty has theme options and schedule ready for Homecoming week in three weeks, Elementary School Mentorship is collecting applications for review, Student Rewards and Recognition has been working on prizes for the Ram Store and scheduling Royal Blue and Crimson Red days; High School Advisory has been working well from transitioning the Seminar period to and Advisory period at the end of the day; IPS meetings with Mrs. Shultz have been beneficial for the students developing their plans post-high school; Multi-Tiered System of Supports will allow tracking of data to determine what areas need more focus for students; Ram Time for HS/MS so far has focused on MTSS and IPS for students; Fall Jamboree was successful thanks for AD’s Cravens and Fronce for their work on watching the weather and moving back playing times so teams could compete; HS students have been helping out during RAM Time at MES and RMS, and it is being enjoyed by all; NHS has been helping with Harvesters already this year; and it has been amazing the parental involvement and support so far this year!



1.     Kylie Olson thanked the board for splitting Kindergarten and 1st grade this year; she said it has made such a difference with 14 kids rather than 27 kids academically is one thing but behaviorally, socially, and emotionally are tremendous!

CONSENT AGENDA: The Board approved the Consent Agenda as follows:

1.     Approved Minutes: August 14, 2023 Regular Board of Education Meeting

2.     Approved Receipts

3.     Approved Resignations: None

4.     Approved Hirings: Lee Tucker – Bus Driver; Karen Ericson – Substitute Teacher

5.     Out of District – None

Reo moved to approve the consent agenda; Melissa second; motion passed 4-0.



1)    Approve Warrants/Transfers – Mitch moved to approve the warrants; Reo second; motion passed 4-0.

2)    Fee’s (Free and Reduced) – Mr. Boley requested clarification on the free and reduced enrollment fee policy end date; the district is to continue with the policy until someone changes it, but Melissa is not opposed to reevaluating it once a year. Currently the district has no collection process in place but there are organizations out there to help those in need.

5)  SQE Membership for Mr. Boley – Membership helps rural schools provide quality                educational opportunities for students. Reo moved to approve paying for the membership; Melissa second; motion passed 4-0.

6)  MATC MOU – Mr. Boley and Mr. Meals met with MATC and did not go as well as expected; they have offered a 60/40 with district getting 40% but MATC is not being very forthcoming with information.

7)  KESA Consultant – Sue Jenkins is a BV native and does a very good job of being a consistent outside look at help. Mitch moved to approve hiring Sue as the district KESA Constultant; Melissa second; motion passed 4-0.

8)  Update on Gas Fuel Tank – tank is placed and electric is wired; now the goal is to get the lock situated so that the tank can be filled and utilized.

9)  KASB Convention – Hotel rooms are booked; Jason, Mr. Meals, and Mr. Boley plan to attend as of this meeting.

10)  Superintendent Evaluation – Mr. Boley suggested requesting the rubric from his previous district and they can revisit in October; Mrs. Moore will get in touch with Janet Higer and get a copy.

11)  Update of Covid 19 District Plan – Mitch moved to put into place the new Covid 19 District Plan with the intent that it could be changed at any time; Melissa second; motion passed 4-0.


12)  Non-Elected Personnel and Action Resulting from Executive Session. The purpose of the executive session is to protect the privacy interests of an identifiable individual.

a)     Board moved into executive session at 8:01 p.m. for 30 min with Rex Boley, Anthony Meals, and the board.

b)    At 8:31 p.m. Anthony Meals exited executive session and Alison Moore entered executive session; the board requested an additional 15 min.

c)     Alison Moore exited executive session at 8:50 p.m. and the board requested an additional 10 minutes.

d)    Meeting reconvened at 9:00 p.m. and it was noted that no action was taken during executive session.

Mitch moved that the district allow Haven to graduate in December 2023 pending she meets the requirements; Melissa second; 4-0.

Mitch moved for the district admin to determine the bass guitar as surplus and dispose as needed; Jason second; motion passed 4-0.

Mitch moved for the base salary of a new bus driver set at $12,624; Melissa second; motion passed 4-0.


a.)   Senior Citizen and Student Activity Pass

a.     Possibly look at having a business sponsor a game for admission

b.)   Finalize District Strategic Plan

ADJOURNMENT: Reo moved to adjourn; Melissa second; meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m.

Alison Moore, Board Clerk